Friday, December 23, 2005

Remodeling Update

Progress has continued on this project which does not seem to end. I'm starting to notice that my tension level is increasing, since I've been spending all spare moments trying to get this done. Fortunately, we are past the hard stuff! I put the first coat of primer on last night, and was very pleased to see that there are only a couple of very minor imperfections in the sheetrock that I will need to correct.

In the picture below, Pam is getting the walls ready for priming by wiping down all of the sanding dust. The tile has been laid (but not grouted).

Legal Humor

I particularly enjoyed these two comics last week. The first depicts my view of the legal system fairly accurately. I remember indicating this on my jury interview form, and having a discussion with the defense attourney about the concept:

This would have been very entertaining to see in court:

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Remodeling Progress

Made some good progress in the past week. Spent the week itself finishing up the electrical (pretty straightforward), then moving the plumbing for one of the sinks over about 12". Neither task was difficult, but both took longer than I expected. Craig came over on Wednesday to help out for a few hours. We got a fair amount done that night, and drank lots of beer. I can't say for sure, but I suppose it's possible that yhe beer might contribute to schedule slips. It does seem to improve worker morale at the job site. So, moving into the weekend, here is what things looked like:

The weekend was spent getting the sheetrock put up. This is now the 3rd time I've done a sheetrock project, and I am getting better at it. I've learned not to mess with the ceiling any more than I need to. Take the time up front and minimize the number of seams you will need to smooth out. The job is a lot easier also, because the vast majority of what I put up will be covered up by the vanity and bathroom mirror. As of Sunday night, here is our current state:

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Remodeling Woes

Well, the remodeling project stalled out a bit last weekend. Instead of working on the remodeling, I spent 8 hours across the street helping my neighbor replace a hot water heater. Their unit had failed, and was leaking water everywhere. We (Dave, George and I) run into some unexpected problems, so of course everything took a lot longer than planned. I thought it would be a useful skill to learn, so I stuck around to help and learn.

As it turns out, a friend of mine at work (Craig) announced today that *HIS* hot water heater failed this week, and is leaking water everywhere. So I'm going over there on Friday after work to help him get things fixed. He is willing to help me with my project, so hopefully I can get back on track this weekend.

Here is a picture of how things look right now. Pretty messy - I am eager to get the place cleaned up so that we can start moving forward.

The electrical setup has been full of surprises. Discovered tonite that not all of the outlets were wired up the ground fault protection circuit. Some, but not all. Frustrating - makes me wonder who inspected the original wiring!

The other setback this week was my realization that I need to design the entire bathroom, not just the vanity. I've been using TurboCad to do this, and am very happy with the product. Here is the current plan: