Passage of Time
Time is thought of as the 4th dimension.
I was thinking about this topic over the weekend. As I grow older (and wiser?), I've noticed that time seems to be speeding up. I think it is because as we age we become increasingly aware of the value of time, and cease to view it as an infinite resource, to be squandered with the recklessness of youth.
Passing the theoretical half-way point in life really serves as a warning notice. Think about how much you've done in life so far. Plan on doubling it, more or less. And that's it. Is that enough? If not, what will you do about it?
I notice that I often find myself mulling over events from some time ago, thinking about how I might handle them differently. It's interesting to note that the time differential between the underlying event and my thoughts gets smaller and smaller every passing year. My theory is that is the reason why older people are so relaxed - they have shrunk that gap to virtually zero, and realize that today is today, and you had better make the most of it.
As Clint Eastwood said, "Tomorrow is promised to no one".
When I was younger, I was much more patient and willing to make sacrifices for future opportunities. As time moves on, I am realizing that those opportunities had better start materializing sooner than later. This has the overall effect of making me less patient, and more concerned about the probability of payoff. How does this translate to "paying my dues" at a new job?
A few interesting questions. Since I don't know the answers yet, I won't try to answer them right now.