Sunday, March 08, 2009

Pam & Alex

I decided to spend part of my annual bonus on a new lens - the Nikon 18-200 VR. I've been watching the price/availability of this lens for some some time. It has two major attractions for me. First, it gives me a large zoom range. This is something I had with my film cameras (28-200), but gave up when I went digital (since there was nothing out there). Second, and more importantly, it has a vibration-reduction feature that allows me to shoot in lower light conditions than would otherwise be possible. It claims that I can shoot around 4 stops slower. I though this was hype, but initial tests confirm it. (I took a test shot at 200mm, with a shutter speed of 1/10 second. It came out razor-sharp!) Anyway, I am looking forward to getting shots of Alex that were impossible before.

Here is a picture I took of Alex and Pam yesterday morning:


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