Saturday, May 13, 2006

Spring Camping Trip

I was gone last weekend for the annual spring camping trip. This is the trip where I go camping with two of my nephews and my dad. This is the 4th consecutive year, and has turned into a nice way to stay in touch. Each year brings surprises, as we are forced to improvise in order to have fun.

This year was no different. Friday started off with a surprise. As I was setting up the 6-person tent, one of the poles popped out of its grommet and hit me just above the left eye. I trip to the ER and 4 stitches later, we were back in camping mode.

The most interesting game of the weekend was our adaptation of basketball. The campground we stayed did not have any courts, so we made up our own game. It involved shooting a ball at a childs collapsable chair. The ball had to land on the seat, and the seat could not fall over. We were intially impressed at making 8-10 foot shots, but by the second day we were sinking 25 foot shots with some degree of consistency:

Other hightlights included going for a hike and seeing a snake, enjoying campfires, and making an indian break called Bannick over the campfire:

From the left: Gytis, Aras, Andrius, Romualdas:


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