It's been pointed out to me by my fellow kayakers that I have not been actively posting in some time. I was amazed to see that my last post was in August of last year. Difficult to defend myself when the data clearly shows I have not kept up.
To start off yet another well-intentioned attempt at staying up to date, I found this picture of Alex and myself playing in the hammock a few weeks ago. He really gets a kick out of climbing up there with me. As soon as I lay down, he comes walking over and climbs in with me. He will then snuggle in on my left side (he feels obligated to crawl over me for some reason), and relax. Being a toddler, there is not much stress in his life, so he only needs to relax for one (maybe two) minutes to feel fully refreshed. At that point he will climb over me again, and hop down to continue playing with whatever toys are out on the deck.