Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Remodeling Progress

Made some good progress in the past week. Spent the week itself finishing up the electrical (pretty straightforward), then moving the plumbing for one of the sinks over about 12". Neither task was difficult, but both took longer than I expected. Craig came over on Wednesday to help out for a few hours. We got a fair amount done that night, and drank lots of beer. I can't say for sure, but I suppose it's possible that yhe beer might contribute to schedule slips. It does seem to improve worker morale at the job site. So, moving into the weekend, here is what things looked like:

The weekend was spent getting the sheetrock put up. This is now the 3rd time I've done a sheetrock project, and I am getting better at it. I've learned not to mess with the ceiling any more than I need to. Take the time up front and minimize the number of seams you will need to smooth out. The job is a lot easier also, because the vast majority of what I put up will be covered up by the vanity and bathroom mirror. As of Sunday night, here is our current state:


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